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Hightech Summit Bamberg 2020

The Free State of Bavaria ignites the research turbo with the government declaration of Minister President Dr Markus Söder. 2 billion euros are being invested in artificial intelligence and super tech, among other things. The Hightech Agenda Plus is a clear signal to confidently focus even more on innovative technologies and their implementation during the crisis.

At the Hightech Summit " at the University of Bamberg on 05.10.2020 under the motto "AI and Supertech for People", the following spoke

Dr. Markus Söder | Bavarian Minister President

Hubert Aiwanger | Bavarian State Minister for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy

Bernd Sibler | Bavarian State Minister for Science and the Arts

Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid | Chair of Applied Computer Science, in particular Cognitive Systems, Otto Friedrich University Bamberg

Frank Herzog | Founder of Concept Laser Lichtenfels

at a panel discussion on how AI and supertech will find their way into companies and society.

In order to present the possibilities for companies in the region, there was also a short introductory film by NeuroForge and we were able to present our demonstrator to the interested discussion participants.

With our demonstrator, we want to make the application possibilities of artificial intelligence in production tangible and understandable. Our production line with the help of a 3D printer illustrates the step from the production of a component, to plant monitoring and storage of sensor data via PLC and our data warehouse system NF Compose. In the end, an artificial intelligence (neural network) developed by us is used for quality assurance!

We are pleased that the Bavarian state government has recognised the potential and influence of artificial intelligence and has taken action. The Hightech Agenda is the right and necessary step for Bavaria as a high-tech state!


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