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AIT 2022 Sommerschool - Franko National University of Lviv

A traditional online school dedicated to artificial intelligence technologies was held from June 27 to July 8, 2022. That was the second time NeuroForge became a partner of Artificial Intelligence Technologies Summer School 2022 at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

The goal of this year's school was to create a high-quality educational platform between IT company specialists and student youth, to study industry innovations and develop their creative ideas. Throughout these two weeks, 350 motivated students attended 40 lectures. All lectures were given by experts from 12 leading IT companies.

Our team members Martin Braun, Sebastian Lützow, and Jonas Szalanci took part in educating the younger generation of Ukrainian IT specialists.

The first lecture "Containerizing your MachineLearning/DeepLearning-Model with a REST-ful API in production" was held by our CTO Martin Braun. During the workshop, the students had the posssibility to build a Machine Learning based AI to solve an Object Recognition Problem and build a REST API to use the Object Recognition AI for inference.

The second lecture was held by Sebastian Lützow. That was an introduction to data pipelines in general and specifically the framework/programming model Apache Beam. After the talk, there was a live session, exploring the basic functionalities of Apache Beam on a Google Collab Interactive Notebook.

Other lectures covered diverse topics such as Python, machine and deep learning, mobile development for iOS, and more. Specialists of IT companies creatively approached their classes and, in addition to the theoretical part, also prepared workshops and homework.

The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv is one of the oldest higher educational institutions with powerful scientific schools, ancient traditions, and modern innovative approaches. With over 22,000 students, it is one of the leading educational institutions in Ukraine and Europe.

For NeuroForge, this year's AIT has brought not only a new experience and possibilities to cooperate with Ukrainian students, but a new coworker! Now we have two Ukrainian colleagues at NeuroForge.

We thank our partners for the invitation and look forward to intensive cooperation in the future. Especially, we are eager to take part in AIT 2023! Stay tuned to hear more news about NeuroForge and Lviv University's cooperation in the future.


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